Суккуленты, которые выглядят так, будто они из научно-фантастических фильмов. Но они настоящие!

Суккуленты, которые выглядят так, будто они из научно-фантастических фильмов. Но они настоящие!

Мы уже писали ранее статьи о суккулентах, но они настолько удивительны, что сегодня мы покажем вам еще 19 из них. Не сомневаемся, что Вам понравится ? .

#1 Прозрачный суккулент Хавортия Купера

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#2 Розовые суккуленты

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
visk0n3 / reddit
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#3 Миниатюрные кролики

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#4 Суккулент как дерево на холме -Крассула Альстона

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#5 Трахиандра

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#6 Суккуленты как цветные камешки

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#7 Альбука

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#8 Эхеверия

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#9 Конофитум двухлопастной (или “Сердце”) – Миниатюрные сердечки

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#10 Молочай тучный

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#11 Ацтекиум “Valdezii”

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#12 Каланхоэ Тирсифлора

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#13 Стапелия

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#14 Суккуленты-дельфины “Senecio Peregrinus”

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!
19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#15 Boophone Haemanthoides

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#16 Растение – воздушная медуза

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#17 Орбея пёстрая (растение-звезда)

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#18 Эониум слоевидный

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

#19 Бовиэя “Volubulis”

19 Weird Succulents That Look like They’re from Sci-Fi Movies. They’re Real!

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