25 людей, влюбленных в суккуленты. Их растения просто невероятны!

25 людей, влюбленных в суккуленты. Их растения просто невероятны!

Для большинства из нас кактусы и другие суккуленты — это растения, не требующие особого ухода. Они подходят для забывчивых людей, так как временный недостаток воды или сухость им не повредит. Однако есть люди, которые подходят к выращиванию суккулентов с большой страстью и любовью. Для них это особенные растения, а цветущий кактус — лучшая награда.

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#1 Гордый садовник и его кактус с впечатляющими цветами

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#2 Спустя два года любви и заботы

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#3 Большая любительница суккулентов и ее свадебный букет

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#4 Этот кактус очень любит обниматься

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#5 Лягушка переехала в горшок с эхеверией

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#6 Суккуленты, томимые жаждой, и момент после обильного полива

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#7 Небольшое дополнение к кактусу

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#8 Миниатюрный орнамент

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#9 Этот уникальный сорт эхеверии напоминает цветок розы

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#10 Этому кактусу уже 22 года! Настоящий ветеран своего дела

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#11 Суккулент, похожий на цветок лотоса

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#12 Echeveria Subsessilis начинает цвести

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#13 Идеальный подарок для любого любителя суккулентов

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#14 Растение, известное как “желейные бобы”

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#15 Когда вы упоминаете при своей бабушке, что вам нравится…

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#16 Лучшее вознаграждение для каждого кактусовода

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#17 Стебли камнеломки Моргана могут достигать 90 см в длину

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute
25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#18 Очаровательный чешуйчатый рогоз

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#19 Цветущий суккулент

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#20 Целая витрина суккулентов

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#21 Этот вид алоэ действительно особенный

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#22 Мой любимый: Cotyledon Pendens

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#23 Цветущая эхеверия Encantada

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#24 Эхеверия Imbricata

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

#25 Эхеверия ‘Doris Taylor

25 People Who Are in Love With Succulents. The Plants They Care for Are So Terribly Cute

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